Course for Aspiring Authors

This is an online course for writers and aspiring writers that you take at your leisure and at your pace. 

Six fun-filled, inspiring and informative modules will get you excited about your  writing and how to start your writing career the right way.

What Our Writers Say

“I feel honored to write and to share with this group of powerful, sensitive, and spiritually guided women.” - Laura, Argentina

There is nothing I can write that will do this program justice. The electric combination of Kate and Claudine, the joyful, supportive energy and great wisdom has made this the most incredible experience. I am writing and loving it! If you are on the fence as to whether or not to do this program - do it. You'll be forever glad you did.  Bethan, Managing Director at

“I was going to give up, but with Sit & Write, I’ve retuned to my original intention and the writing is fun!”- Natalie, USA

Sit & Write has been a beautiful container that has kept my writing alive and opened the aperture of my work. It was amazing.   Ava, Writer, Performer, Filmmaker 

What Other Creatives Say

“Kate is incredibly observant of the human condition. Her amazing ability to write lies in using indelible dialogue, tangible description, and understanding the silent space of writing: knowing how to allow the reader to piece together the truth presented. This is the uniqueness of her voice. And she’s funny. Watch out, she’s pretty damn funny.”

Ann Randolph, Performer + Teacher

“I came to Kate after attending Ann Randolph’s amazing Take Your Story to the Stage workshop at Kripalu. Kate played a significant role during this program, and I came to trust her input and writing authority. I’ve written two nonfiction books (both published), but had never written material that is so close to the bone. Our work together opened me up in such a way that I couldn’t wait to put more words on the page, to absorb and reflect the wisdom Kate poured forth. I got so much out of our session. I am loving writing.”

Jane Pollak, Author + Artist

Create Your Own Retreat

Ready to tuck away on a writer’s retreat, with a word-guide attuned to the unspoken to bounce ideas off of? Let’s chat. Kate offers practical & inspired one-on-one writer’s support as you meet your Muse in magical spaces across the world. Like this one.

*Zoom calls during your retreat with a week of Voxer support to integrate back at your writing desk.

The Master Class: Sit & Write

A Cohort with Soul

Sit & Write Winter Cohort

Meet the Creators:

Claudine Wolk is a two-time published author, substack writer, podcaster, speaker, and book marketing consultant. With an accounting background, her spirituality is limited but she is willing to learn. Claudineself-published and traditionally published both of her books. ClaudineWolk.Com

Kate Brenton, Ed.M. is a published author, podcaster, speaker, and a holistic lomilomi practitioner. A lifelong teacher, Kate is committed to sharing the philosophies that helped change her life, and brings accessible spirituality to all of her modalities.

What is the Cohort logistically?

3 month live cohort with individualized support to help you move from inspiration to first draft.

Each month you will have:

  • 3 community live calls for accountability & writer’s roundables, dispelling writer isolation. These calls are a combination of practical application of writing as craft coupled with opportunities to do co-writing and workshop specific questions.

  • One 60 minute one-to-one deep dive call with Kate to address your craft and your questions. You can presubmit work to address, or we can workshop ideas, and face blocks as they arrive, address mission and translation of your words into a book format.


    • The Sit & Write Library has modules of videos to help guide you when you feel stuck, teach you the 101 on book marketing and author platforms, as well as ways to manage your author plan.

    • You also receive one 60 minute marketing call with Claudine, for you to redeem at any time in the course to ask all your author’s marketing questions.

What will happen?

We are working with the Creative, we don’t ask her for guarantees and she always asks me for a bit more space. Some of you may have an unexpected interruption or feel called to pause to gain perspective.

Sit & Write is focused on the process of writing that creates a product larger than its parts. This is a space for writers to transform through their creation. It is less focused on the external and more focused on alignment, with careful attention to realizing goals and deadlines.

One of the principles of this container is for you to work with unpredictability and flow in a structured environment. We create a Writer’s Agenda, Unearth prominent themes for coherence, and craft a container for completion.

How does it work?

  1. We schedule a 20 minute consultation.

  2. You send a sample piece of writing (any writing is fine, you do not need to have started with your intended piece) to see if Sit & Write is the right fit for your work to be born. We determine if there is alchemy for your creativity needs.

📝 Ready to learn more?

Schedule a connection call with Kate here.

Sit & Write Winter Cohort

Direct questions to

Join the waitlist to learn of upcoming events & new classes


Who is this not for?

Anyone who is looking for a ghost writer or heavy technical help in fiction writing. In other words, this is not a craftsmanship class, and we won’t write the book for you, but we will clear the way for you to write the best book you are ready to birth.

Create Your Own Retreat

Let’s chat. Kate offers practical & inspired one-on-one writer’s support as you meet your Muse in magical spaces across the world. Like this one.

*Zoom calls during your retreat with a week of Voxer support to integrate back at your writing desk.